Identify the following:
ABBE REFRACTOMETER 1. this type of refractometer is extensively used in pharmaceutical analysis because of its simplicity and ease of manipulation.ADSORPTION CHROMATOGRAPHY AND PARTITION CHROMATOGRAPHY 2. two of the basic principles upon which chromatographic separations is dependent on., aside form the ion-exchange & molecular exclusion.
GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY 3. a type of chromatography w/c uses inert gas, as the mobile phaseCELLULOSE 4. a solid adsorbent used as filter paperCHROMATOGRAPHY 5. a process in w/c a sol of a mixture contains an inert materials , drug principles and impurities is separated into its component.HIGH PRESSURE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY OR HPLC 6.method in chromatography with greater speed, precision, accuracy & ease of manipulation.TLC 7. thin layer chromatographySILICA GEL G AND ALUMINA 8. the adsorbent used in thin Layer chromatographyADSORPTION CHROMATOGRAPHY ABD PARTITION CHROMATOGRAPHY 9. two of the basic principles upon which chromatographic separations is dependent on.ELUTION CHROMATOGRAPHY 10. commonly used to develop chromatograms8.0 TO 15 um 11. fingerpoint region in IR spectrometry__________12..the heart & soul of HPLC & GC10 TABLETS 13. # of tablets conducted in content uniformity test__________14. assures that the oldest stock is used ist policyABSORPTIVITY 15. absorbance is directly proportional to conc & pathlength__________16. linear distance from any point of 1 wave to the corresponding point on the adjacent wave__________17. refer to water suitable for drinkingREFRACTIVE INDEX DETECTOR 18. measures the index of refraction of a chemical substanceMETHYLENE BLUE 19. .the dye used in leakers testLIGAND 20. a molecule w/c provides groups of attachment to metal ions.
TRUE OR FALSE:FALSE 1. the statement method I of WCD in USP 27 is the ATDM. IS CORRECT. (METHOD II)TRUE 2. iodometry is an indirect analysis of oxidizing agentTRUE 3. When a reducing analyte is titrated directly with iodine, the method used is called IODIMETRY.FALSE4. to keep samples moisture free, the appropriate apparatus to use is incubator.(DESSICATOR)FALSE 5. the use of NaHCO3 in the standardization of iodine solution is: to inc the solubility (AS BUFFER)FALSE 6. when a weak base is to be titrated with weak acid, the indicator used is methyl orange (NO INDICATOR)FALSE 7. indicator in redox titration using KMnO4 is starch.(KMnO4)FALSE 8. most suitable indicator to use in the titration of organic acids is methyl red. (PHENOLPTHALEIN TS)FALSE 9. the equilibrium constant for the reaction of metal ion with a ligand is called solubility constant ( FORMATION CONSTANT)FALSE 10. a molecule w/c provides groups of attachment to metal ios is chelate (LIGAND)TRUE 11. in the standardization of iodine solution, there is a need to boil the solution of arsenic trioxide to inc the solubilityFALSE 12. the color of the complex resulting from reaction with ferrous -phenanthroline is pink. (RED)TRUE 13. Types of chemical reaction used in the volumetric analysis is diazotizationTRUE 14. if starch TS is used as an indicator, the end point is the appearance of intense blue color:TRUE 15. a substance w/c gains electrons in a redox reactiona is an oxidizing agent .FALSE 16. indicators used in non aqueous titrimetry is phenolphthalein.
(NILE BLUE, CRYSTAL VIOLET, MALACHITE GREEN)FALSE 17. standard solutions are also known as test solutions.(VOLUMETRIC SOLUTIONS)TRUE 18.std. sol in non-aqueous titrimetric analysis-acidimetry perchloric acidTRUE 19. sodium carbonate is added to maintain the pH of sodium thiosulfatein optimum range for the stability of the solution?:MONODENATE 20. a ligand that binds to a metal ion through only one atom.a. monodentate b. bidentate c. tridentate d. tetradentate
Multiple Choice/Identification1. methyl orange in base medium is colored: b. yellow2. titer is an expression of concentration in terms of : b. g or mg of solute per mL3. analysis where separation of the constituents from the sample is done and then weighing the product is:
b. gravimetric4. to keep samples moisture- free the apparatus used is: a. dessicator
5. the type of ash where sulfuric acid is used to whiten the ash is: b. sulfated ash6. the oil from peppermint spirit can be determined by using: b. bobcock bottle7. the unsaponifiable matter present in animal fats is: a. cholesterol8. the crude fiber of a drug usually consists of: a. cellulose9. hexane is the best solvent in extracting: b. fats
10. the instrument used to measure the optical activity of the sample is: b. polarimeter
11. Process of measuring the actual quantity of mass, volume, force, etc. that correspond to an indicated quantity on the scale of an instrument: b. calibration12. residue on ignition is also called: b.sulfated ash13. method I for determining alcohol-soluble extractives is also known as: a. hot extraction
14. the type of alkaloidal assay where the total alkaloid is determined: a.proximate15. w/c of the following statement/s is correct? a. I only16. the 0.1N iodine solution is standardized using: b. arsenic trioxide17. the active fraction of starch w/c react with iodine to form an intense blue color is: a. amylose
18. also known as eosin y.: a. tetrabromofluorescein 19. what is the use of HgI2 in the preparation of starch TS?: b. act as a preservative20. primary standard used to standardize Karl Fischer reagent is : a. sodium tartrate21. w/c of the following statement/s is /are correct: c. III only
22. iodometry is an indirect analysis of: a. oxidizing agent23. when a reducing analyte is titrated directly with iodine, the method used is called: b. iodimetry24. to keep samples moisture free, the appropriate apparatus to use is:
b. dessicator25. the use of sodium bicarbonate in the standardization of iodine solution is: b. as buffe26. when a weak base is to be titrated with weak acid, the indicator used is: c. no indicator is suggested27. indicator in redox titration using KMnO4.. KMno4 NO ANSWER28. most suitable indicator to use in the titration of organic acids:
a. phenolpthalein29. the equilibrium constant for the reaction of metal ion with a ligand is called: a. a formation constant30. a molecule w/c provides groups of attachment to metal ios. b. ligand
31. in the standardization of iodine solution, why is there need to boil the solution of arsenic trioxide ?
: b. it increases the solubility32. color of the complex resulting from reaction with ferrous phenanthroline: a. red33. types of chemical reaction used in the volumetric analysis: d. aota34. if starch TS is used as an indicator, the end point is / are:
c. both of the choices
35. a substance w/c gains electrons in a redox reaction: a. oxidizing agent
36. indicators used in non aqueous titrimetry: c. I, II, III only
37. standard solutions are also known as : c. volumetric sol38.std. sol in non-aqueous titrimetric analysis-acidimetry c. both39. w/c of the following is added to maintain the pH of sodium thiosulfate in optimum range for the stability of the solution?: b. sodium carbonate40. a ligand that binds to a metal ion through only one atom. a. monodentate41. other name of systemic error: b. determinate42. the term dried to constant weight means that two consecutive weighing do not differ by more than:a. 0.0002 g. b. 0.2 g c. 0.5 mg/g d. aota43. primary std in the standardization of sodium methoxide: a. benzoic acid44. describes how close a measured value is to the true value:
b. accuracy45. reasons why residual titration are performed: d. aota46. use to prevent one element from interfering in the analysis of another element: a. masking agent47. std. sol. In precipitation method of analysis:
b. silver nitrate & NH4SCN48. solutions containing all the reagents & solvents used in the analysis, but no deliberately added analyte.:
a. blank sol49. the end point in using number ferric ammonium sulfate is :
b. red brown color50. limit of moisture in non-aqueous titrimetric analysis is less than:
b. 0.05 %
51. Animal used in the assay of oxytocin injection. CHICKEN52. animal used in Bio assay for parathyroid injection based on measuring the increase in serum calcium. DOG53. animal in toxicity test for plastic infusion tubes 54. pyrogen test animal: RABBIT55. animal used in safety & toxicity test WHITE MICE56. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP): d. all of these correct57.A Critical defect that would stop the packaging line operations: a. wrong labels58. Pyrogen test in vitro: b. LAL method59. the sampling & examination of all raw materials received by the factoryis a function of the :b.materials inspection60. a firm’s removal or correction of a distributed product w/c involves noviolation: c. market withdrawal61.a defect that may affect the function of an object and therefore, mayrender the product useless: a. major
62. the dye used in the leaker test: a. methylene blue
63. the QC manager is not in charge of this section: d. R& D section64. determine the shelf life of a product: b.stability testing program65. the test for content uniformity is required for : b.suspensions
66. uv-vis spectro is usually used for:
a.identification of organic compounds
67.absorbances is directly proportional to concentration to conc & pathlengths: c. nota68. reciprocal of wavelength: c. nota69.the visible region of the spectra has a wavelength of: c. 380-780 nm.70. water used in preparing a parenteral products: a.water for injection
71.,units of wavelength in spectro, except: c. millimeter
72.the IR region of the spectro used to identify a substance uses a wavelength of: d. 3-15 um.73..the degree of possession of those characteristics designed & manufactured into w/c contributes to the performance of an intended functions when the product is used as directed.74. one or more units drawn at random from a lot or batch:a. sample b. process control c. both d. nota75. concept of quality includes:a. fitness for use b. conformance to spec. c. both a & b76. any non-conformance of the unit of product with specified requirements:a. accepted b. defect c. rejected d. nota77. one or more units drawn at random from a lot or batch:a. sample b. process control c. both78.period in w/c the product remains acceptable for use:a. stability b. shelf-life c. accelerated stability79. potency of a 100 mg tab at expiry date: b. 90 mg80. the following are optical devices except: d. nota81.determine the shelf life of a product: a. stability testing:82. an analyst who determines the strength, potency, and percentage purity of a drug orphar’l product is :a. phar’l assaying b. special method c. identification test83. to determine the total ash, the sample is incinerated at a temp of 675+-25 deg centigrade. this temp is represented by: b. dull red heat84. analysis where separation of the constituent from the sample is done than weighing the products is:b. gravimetric85. a sterile parenteral solution is also non pyrogenic: d. NOTA